Tailor Made Tile Mix

#bohointeriors #colourfultiles #FREEmockup #greeninteriors #greentiles #jade #MockUpService #patternedtiles #uniqueinteriors blue tiles dragon tiles TailorMadeTileMix tile mix sets turtle tiles

If you were able to choose any colours for a tile mix what would you choose?

Well that's exactly what my return customers Jennifer and Tom did when looking for their new kitchen. They started of course by looking at the tile mixes I've already created and although they liked a couple it was the 'Dive In' mix they liked best, which happens to be a bespoke mix created for another couple a few years ago.

Knowing that I can tailor make a mix for them (as they've had many tailor made items before), they reached out to ask if they could have less green in the mix or mentioned they might like a blue dragon splashback. Now I'm open to all requests but need to see the space to advise on the best option, so asked for pictures of the kitchen and measurements of the spaces.  
Sometimes my original paintings in this case the Blue Dragons can’t be adapted into a splashback for larger spaces so the better option was for a tile mix. As a start I put together a mix of of my existing blue aqua teal and turquoise tile designs to check I was thinking along their colour preference lines. Here is the picture I sent, taken straight from the screen as I was working. I can’t explain exactly how enjoyable playing with colours and patterns like this is to me. Like I’m on a lovely rolling boil of feel good dopamine is close. 

 This they loved, though I could see I could improve the balance of colours more with some more aquas and darker blues that I’d been thinking of designing for some time. Also gave me the opportunity to design some more dragon tiles, my way of giving them the best of both worlds. 
Time to mock it up on the pictures of their kitchen they provided. The only way to check I’ve got it right for them. 

In sending these images this was the reply 

‘Absolutely beautiful,  thank you so much!
The colours are fabulous.’
I can’t ask for better than that.
Then just the small matter of making 135 tiles alongside test printing all the new designs. Always a joy. 

Want you very own special mix of tiles, bespoke splashback or original painting of course? Contact me at meikiecakie@hotmail.com

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