As many of you may have realized I've not been out and about exhibiting at shows this year. I'll be honest with you. After over twenty years of shows I needed a break from them. Of course this was all hastened by shoulder injuries, Covid 19 and finally the nature of my business changing so much with all the interior products. This made knowing what to take and exhibit at shows impossible even if my shoulders would let me.
However when my Friend and Artist Nicky Colbran Freeman emailed to invite me to join her along with other amazing artist friends I just couldn't resist.
a link to my Original Art
Amongst the incredibly talented Artists exhibiting are Nicola Colbran Freeman
Anna Marie Buss Georgie Watson Kate Rundell Bethan Archer Olga Langley Jackie Summerfield Adele Love Kerry Bennett Jennie Harmer Vivien Oldfield Alex Leadbeater Scarlet Woodman Laura Hollis Louis Ryan Gabrielle Lord Ian Mowforth Catherine Farr Eddie Knevett Keith Petitt
It will be so lovely to catch up face to face with customers. Discuss my art and any custom pieces they would like. I'll have a small selection of my art work, prints and gifts with me. However if there is a particular piece you would like to see in person, please email me and we can arrange a day for you to see it while the show is on.
As usual my lovely newsletter friends feel free to email me with pre orders to be picked up from the show. That way you can be sure to go home with what you wanted. Remember i need a minimum of 7 working days to get pre orders together so please do so ASAP.
My work will be on display for the full ten days of the show and I will be there in person on both Saturdays and Sundays and by Appointment on the other days. please email me at if you wish to meet me on one of the week days.
Hpe to see you